As you know, spring is time for awakening and preparation:
- If you want to place hedges, we suggest you to do now. In spring they take root well, while in the most advanced season they will have difficulties in doing so.
- The same goes for pruning: take advantage now, before the plants start to blossom and the first leaflets start to sprout.
- Spring is also the best time to prepare the soil to welcome new plants: it’s time to dig and fertilize!
- In spring you can safely rake the foliage from the ground. After the cold, the insects have all awakened and there is no danger of hurting them.
- The night frost is now behind, so it is no longer necessary to protect the roots of perennial plants.
- We advise you to orient your creepers by fixing them on specific holders.
- This is the right time to sow annual plants..
- In some areas of the lawn, let the grass grow and cut it only at the end of the summer (after the withering of the plants) or in winter.
- Regularly water new plants and young plants just germinated from seed.
- Build your pond at the beginning of spring, just past the winter cold. When the amphibians come out of their hibernation state, they will find it ready to welcome their eggs.
- The beginning of spring, is also the best time to set up the nest boxes, the mangers and to build a bug hotel. If you don’t waste time and choose the right time, you will enjoy the presence of your little friends for the length of spring and summer!